Wednesday 23 October 2013

Wiki[d]media images

I like the landscape around my home. I hope you can see why

Picture by: David Martin [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

The licensing information is so complex and so hard to understand that I am even less sure than when I started on how to use 'free' images. I have relied on google images for personal use before and told people that they should check the copyright and licensing requirements. I generally recommend free-to-use sites and recommend that people acknowledge the source - I just didn't know how difficult that is. I had heard of creative commons and hoped that I would never have to deal with it. Can you just see that head in the sand!


  1. I took a couple of goes trying to get to grips with Creative Commons.
    I found the Licence chooser page useful. I tried all the possible options
    and then read the short descriptions of each license on and it is beginning to make sense.
    I even read about Free cultural works
